Do I have to share my photos on social media?
Short answer - No. Of course you don’t.
I totally understand that you’d like to keep your images and/or images of your children off the internet.
I will ALWAYS respect your decision and privacy.
Unfortunately for me from a business perspective, this means that I’m unable to showcase my most recent work to any potential new clients.
But, here’s a solution and it involves a little help from you…
Leave a great google review here so that others can read about your experience.
Tell your friends! -If you had a great time with me, your kids had lots of fun and you absolutely love your images, please tell everyone. I’d love nothing more than to give your friends a great family photography experience too, because as you know, it can be so much more fun and rewarding than you could ever have imagined it would be.
Share, share, share.
Share my email newsletter, share my instagram posts/stories, share this blog post.
Comment, like and share.
It goes SUCH a long way and I will be forever grateful.
xo Holly