Oh boy, it’s been a time.
Hello friends!
I hope this blog-post finds you well.
I haven't been very good at this blogging business. Life has been rather eventful of late and its been tricky to find the time and headspace to sit down and actual string two decent words together.
I’m just dropping in to remind those of you considering a family session before Christmas and especially if you’re after photos for Christmas gifts, that there is only 5 weeks left to get them done so that you have them in time to have them printed etc. So if you’re keen to book a session with me, please get in touch. I only have a small handful of session times up for grabs before I’m completely booked for 2022.
I also wanted to share that my little print shop is about to get some new pieces and I’m super excited about this little series. I thoroughly enjoy creating art for myself but sharing it with you and raising a little money for Fight MND makes me even more excited about it!
Thank you to those of you who have already purchased a print. If there’s something in particular you would like to see, please let me know! I’d love to create a little something special for you.
Until next time,
Holly x